🎓Accepted to College? Now What? – High School Senior Checklist

 🗝️Getting accepted into college is like unlocking a new level in the game of life. The real work is about to begin so I hope you are ready. Check out the tips in this cheat sheet to navigate this exciting level-up!

🥳 Step 1. Celebrate Big Time!

Before you do anything, throw a little party for yourself to celebrate your accomplishments. You’ve earned it! Share the joy with your family and friends because you my friend are going to college!

💰Step 2. Mind Your Money

Have a conversation with your family about your finances. How will you pay for college? What do you have saved up? And what do you need? 

Got your financial aid package? Great! Now, put on your detective hat and compare those offers. What school has the better deal? Who is giving the most free money (grants & scholarships)? Which school will give you the biggest return on investment?

Didn’t receive enough free money? See if you can negotiate for more. The only dumb question is the one you don’t ask!

Lastly, read all the fine print and make sure you know exactly what you’re signing up for.

🤔Step 3. Decision Time

Choosing the right college is like choosing your next adventure. Make a list of your non-negotiables and check it twice. Think about what matters most to you—academic programs, activities, campus vibes, or maybe the distance from home. Ask lots of questions to admissions and current students and visit every contender to make the most informed decision you can.

💳 Step 4. Secure Your Spot With A Deposit

Found your perfect match? Awesome! Now, it’s time to make it official with a deposit. Check to see the amount and see if you qualify for any waivers (so you could save yourself some cash). This step is super important to locking in your college experience.

Check to see when their decision deadline is to make sure you are in there like swimwear!

🏠 Step 5. Lock Down The Dorm

Planning to live on campus? Get a jump start on those housing forms and pay your deposit to secure your new home away from home. It’s also a great time to start dreaming up your dorm decor. Get your list of essentials ready to rock and roll.

✅ Step 6. Dot Your i’s & Cross Your t’s 

Before you set off on this epic journey, check and double-check to make sure all your paperwork is complete. Check your emails, your new school’s portal, and snail mail for checklists with next steps. 

After you officially graduate, make sure to send your final transcripts and test scores in to properly enroll. It’s like the final boss before the game really begins. 🎮

📚 Step 7. Attend Orientation: The Ultimate Icebreaker

Orientation is your sneak peek into college life. It’s where you’ll meet some of your future besties and learn the ropes. So, sign up and dive in! 🏊‍♂️

📦Step  8. Pack Your Things: It’s Time To Go!

Start packing and get ready to leave! Spend time with your loved ones and take care of any loose ends. And maybe, just maybe, coordinate a meeting with your future roommate ahead of time. 📦👯

Embarking on your college journey is like stepping into a whole new world—a world full of possibilities and adventures. Follow these steps, and you’ll be all set for an amazing college saga. Here’s to the beginning of something unforgettable! 🚀

Want to have a seamless college transition?

Download On Track For College to get reminders, tips, and motivation throughout the rest of your senior year and the first half of your freshman year in college 👇

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